Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Week 9 and counting Social Networks - Facebook

  • bit worried about new facebook account - was feeling paranoid and lied about my age, sex, year when I graduated from High School and my first name
  • could be in for public embarassment since I used my real surname which is kind of, well, unique
  • ???? - why when my profile is so incredibly wrong, when I searched for friends from that High School, did I get a result for a woman my age who graduated the year I did and who, well, I'm sorry to say it, used to have a really big mouth (in High School) - I guess she might have changed but from the looks of her picture it's not likely - is it possible that she could report all over the facebook world that Lies Weijs made a facebook account as a male named Rufus Weijs who graduated in the '90s instead of the '70's - hope not - would not ever attend High School reunion
  • went back to privacy setting - ticked that only my friends can see anything AND don't have any friends [yet] so will that do the trick?
  • next step: invite 2 sons to be my friend - fat chance!
  • declined by both kids - claim that they have nothing to hide but their friends do! right ok well to heck with them I have two new friends so thanks Kraigen and Denise - children think it's very hilarious that I only have 2 facebook friends - I told them it's all about quality

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